The Parliament Choir: Harmony in Westminster

New Palace Yard

parliament has a choir?


The Parliament Choir welcomes as a member anyone who works at the UK Parliament - Members, their staff, and parliamentary officials. We rehearse on Monday evenings, when the Houses of Parliament are sitting, usually in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft off Westminster Hall.  







On Wednesday 26th June, the Parliament Choir celebrates its 25th anniversary with a performance of Beethoven’s majestic and exhilarating late masterpiece,  Missa Solemnis in The Royal Festival Hall.

This concert is a celebration of two significant anniversaries: as well as the Parliament Choir turning 25 this year, Beethoven's Missa Solemnis received its first performance two hundred years ago, in 1824.

The performance marks the 25th anniversary of the Parliament Choir, founded by Simon Over to offer an opportunity for those who work in Parliament to come together and sing, away from the stresses and strains of daily life in Westminster.

The group has grown in strength and numbers since its early days, recently performing Bach's Mass in B minor and Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius.

The Missa Solemnis marks another significant milestone in its existence, and is accompanied by alumni of Southbank Sinfonia, the orchestra also founded by Simon Over, who have been a part of many of the choir's concerts.

At the head of the score for Missa Solemnis, Beethoven wrote, ‘From the heart – may it return to the heart’. In common with other works of his final decade, the composer pushes at the boundaries of what is possible in music on both the smallest and the largest scales, while expressing deeply-held personal feelings.

Although standing in the tradition of the great Mass settings of Beethoven's teacher Haydn, the Missa Solemnis nevertheless breaks new ground of expression and technique, paving the way for a radical and often unsettling view of what choral music can be.


Southbank Sinfonia
Simon Over conductor
Jennifer Pike violin
Lucy Crowe soprano
Jess Dandy contralto
Dominic Bevan tenor
William Thomas bass
The Parliament Choir


The Parliament Choir usually performs three or four concerts a year in various venues in London, and occasionally elsewhere in the UK and abroad. You can see information about our past concerts here.

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The Parliament Choir is a registered charity (1085042). It promotes choral singing and supports young musicians. We would particularly welcome corporate sponsorship for the Choir or for individual performances. 

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Copyright © 2024 Parliament Choir