
Can I join the Parliament Choir?

Membership of the Parliament Choir is open to all who work at the UK Parliament – MPs, Members of the House of Lords, Members' staff, and parliamentary officials. There are no auditions for parliamentary passholders.

Rehearsals are on Monday evenings 6.15-8.15 p.m., in St. Mary Undercroft (off Westminster Hall) while Parliament is in session.

In addition to regular rehearsals, there is at least one study day before each concert. This is an intensive one-day rehearsal, usually on a Saturday from 10.00-4.00. It is not only a good learning experience but is always thoroughly enjoyable.

We have always felt that it is important to be inclusive and the Parliament Choir is therefore an egalitarian organisation within the hierarchical institution of Parliament. Choral singing is not only an excellent way to make music with others but is often the only way an amateur can work on, and perform, wonderful music. Singing with the Parliament Choir is highly rewarding.

The Choir is keen to expand and welcomes new members. If you enjoy singing and you meet the criteria above and would like to join us please contact the Choir Secretary at, or simply come along on a Monday evening.

Membership commitments

As a choir, we strive for excellence and ask members to commit to the following basic requirements:

  • Registering with the Choir and ensuring your details are up to date
  • Paying subscriptions promptly (currently £150 a year, with a reduced rate for young members)
  • Buying or arranging the purchase of a minimum of 4 tickets for each concert in which you are singing. This is vital for the Choir to remain financially viable. 
  • Becoming a Friend of the Choir, or recruiting an external Friend
  • Attending all rehearsals and study days and letting the Secretary know if you cannot attend 
  • Attending the rehearsal on the day of a concert is compulsory
  • Singing the variety of repertoire and not dipping in and out as inclined
  • Being aware at all times that the Choir represents the UK Parliament and, when abroad, the country. Members must uphold the highest standards of conduct. 


Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Parliament Choir